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3 Ways to Get More Out of Your Existing Email Marketing List

April 1, 2015
3 Ways to Get More Out of Your Existing Email Marketing List

To some, email is dead and there’s no value to an email list. Perhaps those who aren’t engaging with their subscribers well aren’t getting the most out of their email list. Here are three techniques for optimizing your email list.

Utilize Analytics

First, if you’re not using an email service provider like ActiveCampaign, you are missing out on a lot of data about your email campaigns. Statistics about open rates, bounce rates, email marked as spam, click-throughs and many other data points provide your business with information to improve future email campaigns and measure ROI.

Use Segmentation

Second, segment your email list. Not everyone on your email list is in the same part of the sales cycle— some may just be looking, some might be in the process of buying, and some have already bought. If you’re sending the same email to everyone, chances are you’re missing out on the benefits of speaking directly to where the customer is in the sales cycle. For example, if you’ve already bought the product, you may want to hear more tips and tricks on using the product rather than the benefits of the product. List segmentation allows you to tell your customers what they want to hear when they want to hear it.

Leverage Exclusivity

Third, make special offers that are only available to your email list. This can provide the feeling that they are receiving an exclusive value from being on your list, and provides the opportunity for extra revenue for you. By creating a feeling of special membership, you are enhancing the value of the information that you are providing to your customers.

By using these 3 techniques as guideposts, you can ensure you are maximizing your email assets to convert more customers. If you’re wondering when the best time is to send emails, check out this infographic from GetResponse, posted on Entreprenuer.

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